About Pregnancy Modified Push-Up Exercises
Modified push up for pregnancy. A great exercise to build chest, triceps and abdominal strength. Proper modification taught by Senior Oh Baby! Fitness Instructor, Kathleen Donahoe.
One of the best exercises you can do when you’re pregnant is actually a push-up. A lot of people don’t believe that because you don’t think you want to be on your hands and toes do to push-up. There’s a really easy modification that we use in all of our classes. The good thing about push-ups is that you get chest work, tricep work, but you also get a good abdominal workout with push-ups, which all pregnant women are looking for.
I’m going to show you the modification here. You just want to find a wall or a mirror, something to have your hands on. You’ll put your hands up on the mirror and step your feet back behind you. You want to be at an angle just like this and then what you’re going to do is just inhale come in towards the wall. And exhale and push away. Those look great. Inhale in. And exhale away.
As you do this exercise you want to make sure you’re pulling the baby up and then you’ve got a nice long lower back. Take one more like that here. And exhale away.
If you want to make this harder, it’s really easy. All you’re going to do is step your feet a little bit farther back. The farther away your feet are from the wall the harder it’s gonna be. If you want to make it easier just step your feet closer in. Take a couple like that here. Big inhale in and exhale away. Perfect. Two more like that. And press again pulling the baby up and in one more. Perfect.
One more way to make it more difficult is to bring your hands into a diamond shape. Exactly. It’s going to give you a little bit more of a tricep workout again while still working your chest and your abdominals. Everything else stays the same. You’re still on those toes you’ll inhale in. And exhale push away. Perfect. Inhale in and exhale away, take two more here. You feeling that? Yes. Good, one more. And exhale.
So there you have it, a very easy modification for a great exercise. If you have any questions, you can find us at ohbabyfitness.com.