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Join our Worldwide Directory for Certified Exercise Specialists!

Get a Premium Paid Listing on Our Instructor Directory

Oh Baby! Fitness offers a Premium Listing option for our Instructor Directory for an annual fee of $49/year. Premium Listings feature dedicated profile pages that include the Instructor’s:

  • General Location
  • Biography
  • Services Offered
  • Contact Information
  • Website Address
  • Photo Gallery
  • Hours of Operation

If you’d like to upgrade to a Premium Instructor Listing, visit the button link below.

Get a Free Basic Listing on Our Instructor Directory

To have a basic listing in our Worldwide directory, you must take our online Pre/Postnatal Exercise Certification or our Online Workshop for Medical and Birth Professionals.

Once you’ve passed the certification course, all Certified Oh Baby! Fitness Pre/Postnatal Exercise Specialists will receive a Certificate of Completion, logo and email signature.

IIf you took our training through a national fitness or medical organization and would like to be listed, sign up and include a copy of your certificate.