Oh Baby! Fitness has lined up the best pregnancy workout videos for you — for free! Our short videos target specific areas to help you strengthen and tone your body to be strong for motherhood! These free pregnancy workout videos feature exercises that will help strengthen your abdominals, pelvic floor, lower and upper body. All of these exercise videos are safe for pregnancy. If you want more exercises that are specific to your week of pregnancy, see our Pregnancy Exercise Weekly Workout app on the App Store.
Discover the best back and pelvic exercises for pregnant mothers using exercise balls.
These prenatal stability ball workouts improve core strength in pregnant mothers.
These pregnancy exercise videos walk you through squats while using a stability ball.
These abdominal exercises are perfect for building core strength during pregnancy.
Watch this video to see what the correct engagement of the abdominals looks like.
Try these arm and leg raises while pregnant to improve abdominal strength.
Wall sits are a great exercise for building back and glute strength during pregnancy.
Oh Baby! Fitness co-owner Kathleen Donahoe leads you through outer & inner thigh raises.
Gain guidance on proper form for lunges while pregnant from Oh Baby! Fitness.
Modified plank for pregnancy is an excellent exercise to strengthen the chest.
Learn how to do a modified pregnancy push-up, including safe pregnancy push-up form.
Oh Baby! Fitness co-owner Kathleen Donahoe talks through ideal pregnancy posture.
Learn how to perform belly breathing for labor and coordinated pushing.