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Check our Worldwide Instructor Directory to find a certified Oh Baby! Fitness Pre/Postnatal Exercise Specialist near you. See if they’re offering classes or can provide a personal training session. You can find medical, mental health and birth professionals too.

      Join Our Worldwide Directory

      Become a certified Oh Baby! Fitness Exercise Specialist to get your listing added to your database.

      Pregnancy Weekly Workout

      Pregnancy Weekly


      Learn a specific exercise for every week of pregnancy– from the first trimester through labor! Our combination of Pilates, yoga and strength training exercises will help you tone muscles needed for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

      Mom & Baby Weekly Workout

      Mom & Baby
      Weekly Workout


      Learn fun exercises you can do with your baby– one for every week after birth –all the way through 6 months postpartum! Each week’s video targets specific areas & helps you strengthen your post-baby body safely & effectively.

      How to Push Your Baby Out

      How to Push
      Your Baby Out


      Learn the easiest way to push out your baby during birth! This app teaches you our special breathing technique for pushing; what muscles you’ll want to use (and which to relax), and how to practice for the most exciting part of labor.


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